Naturopathic Medicine is one of the oldest and most clinically researched medicines in the world today. Natural therapy practices have been used effectively for thousands and thousands of years. Often referred to "complementary", this system of medicine involves the study of the processes of health, as well as the processes of disease. The main belief of those who practice Naturopathic medicine is that the body has an innate healing ability and the body can heal when removing obstacles and supporting the body's needs. There are many modalities or techniques of healing that are utilized by Naturopathic Practitioners. 

Philosophy of Naturopathic Medicine
1. The Healing Power of Nature
2. Identify and Treat the Cause
3. First Do No Harm
4. Doctor as Teacher
5. Treat the Whole Person
6. Prevention of Dis-Ease



Botanical Medicine  Herbs and botanical substances were the first medicines used by people. Constituents of plants and herbs have made many of our modern day prescription medicines. Many different parts of plants are used and there are many ways of preparing herbs for individual conditions. 

Homeopathic Medicine  Homeopathy is a medical science of assisting the body to heal itself using very diluted substances to initiate healing. The method of prescribing involves getting the complete symptom picture and choosing the best remedy for each individual. When considering a homeopathic remedy, it is most important to focus on the individual, and then on the disease. 


Nutrition  A healthy digestion is extremely vital to the overall health of the body. Absorption of minerals and nutrients can only occur when the entire digestive system is functioning optimally. The removal of wastes through the large intestine is just as important as what all occurs as food is being chewed at the start of digestion. Many of the functions of the digestive system are altered when the nervous system is either overworking or not working, and the blood flow is directed away from the many digestive processes in the body. Proper nutrition occurs after identification of any food or drink that is consumed that may cause some irritation in any part of the digestive system. It may be necessary to look at food sensitivities and food allergies, as well as any irritants. One suggestion would be to test for panels of possible intolerances. Proper chewing techniques, best food choices and proper ratios of the types of food may be different for each individual. 

Hydrotherapy  Our bodies are made up of over 70% water. Hydrotherapy involves the use of hot and cold water applications in specific treatment protocols to stimulate the blood circulation of the body. This type of therapy stimulates the vitality of the whole body, including the immune system. Alternating hot and cold temperature applications have been used throughout many different cultures of the world. 


It is important to consider supportive therapies while the body is undergoing a healing process. In natural medicine practices, it is important to consider and address any underlying thought patterns
or emotional connections that occur when someone is experiencing symptoms. Supporting both the mind and body is important when making the changes the body needs in order to become healthier. Illnesses or Disease may occur to provide an opportunity for the individual to slow down and reevaluate their life and make choices to cause some major shifts in their body, mind and spirit.