Chinese Medicine is the practice of “balance”.  It is an “art” of balancing the energy of the body to keep the body moving in a constant and healthy direction and away from an unhealthy and static energy. Traditional Chinese medicine addresses the “whole person”.   Many different considerations are addressed when helping to restore balance and bringing the body to a place of optimal health. 



Acupuncture is the science of working with the body's own energy currents. The acupuncture needles help to direct the flow of energy through “meridians” or energy pathways in the body. When balancing energy flow, many of the body's physiological systems are corrected. Once the energy flow is corrected, physical, mental and emotional balance becomes optimal. 


Chinese Herbs are a complex system of medicine that are used in combinations or formulas of herbs that presents a perfectly balanced synergistic blend. The herbal constituents of a formula all have a very specific purpose and are chosen to address the Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis of the patient. These formulas are very powerful and have been used for over 5000 years. 


Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese Medicine technique for inflammation and immune support. It applies a type of hands-on medical massage that is extremely therapeutic in nature. It is the practice of “press-stroking” a lubricated body part to intentionally create small skin irritation to increase blood circulation and assist in releasing energy through the skin. 

Cupping is a traditional Chinese Medicine technique to help regulate the flow of energy and blood in the body. It is the application of “cups” in specific areas for very specific reasons. The skin is the largest organ of the body. It contains fluids, blood, blood vessels, connective tissue, muscles, and nerves. The skin also has a major role in a number of body functions. By stimulating and treating acupuncture “points” with cupping techniques, lots of chronic and stuck energy patterns are reversed.